Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Does not wisdom call out?

Does not wisdom call out?
Does not understanding raise her voice?
On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand;
-Proverbs 8:1-2

I was reading my Bible this morning, waiting for two MV-22 Ospreys to land, when my little green New Testament attracted another lieutenant's notice. Our conversation started in Proverbs, but quickly found its way to every corner of the Bible. He asked how I, as a Christian, justify pointing my rifle at a man and killing him. In order to minimize the risk of finding himself in such a position, he requested a non-combat MOS. We talked about how we are all sinners—all murderers, even—and how grateful I was that God has made a way to forgive us. Not just a generous scale that easily tips the balance of good and bad in our favor, but a final pronouncement of forgiveness. We are cleansed from all our filth.

He wanted to know if babies went to heaven.

Come to find out he grew up in a baptist church. He's been in many different types of services, including non-denominational and Presbyterian. He believes in God; he talks about the Bible as though he really believes what it says; he used to be a good kid. Why doesn't he go to church now? Because he got a girlfriend. “She led me away.”

Why did he give up on being a Christian? Because he couldn't succeed in being good. Because being good never got him anywhere. Because he got a girlfriend. He hasn't denounced everything Christian. He still avoids killing people; but now he has fun.

The end of the story? She cheats on him. They don't always get along. She has none of the qualities he's looking for in a wife—but it's better than being alone. I reminded him that many men in the Bible have had the same complaints about the wicked prospering while the righteous perish. I reminded him that God is just, and we we must believe that. I told him that the heart of sin is wanting to do your own thing. God rewards those who seek him, not those who are sinless. I asked him not to turn his back on God. I asked him to remember Solomon and Samson.

I didn't know what else to say. The Ospreys arrived, and we were done talking. I'll pray for him... and invite him to church. I wish I could find him a better girlfriend :-p


Blogger Islandgirl said...

I hope that was not a veiled request for a volunteer...

9:08 AM  

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